MSU Law Student Emergency Fund

The Michigan State University College of Law Student Emergency fund was established to support students facing financial need due to unforeseen circumstances, initially as a result of COVID-19 restrictions. It will later be used for students in unexpected life-altering circumstances or other situations, as determined by the College of Law. 

The fund is a grant award created by alumni, partner organizations, and other interested donors. Students may receive up to $1,000.00 of support for qualified expenses.

Qualified Expenses:

Initially, this fund supports students suffering financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. Eligible expenses include but are not limited to:

  • Basic needs (e.g., food);
  • Computer equipment/upgrades for online learning;
  • Moving expenses (e.g., airfare to travel home, U-Haul/moving vehicle rental, etc.);
  • Rent or mortgage expenses that have accumulated due to being off work;  
  • Alternative housing options if roommate becomes ill;
  • Medical bills, insurance co-pays (if high deductible);
  • Travel costs related to the death or illness in the immediate family;
  • Loss of income; and  
  • Other miscellaneous expenses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

At this time, those affected by COVID-19 will take priority. Other life-altering circumstances may include loss due to accident, personal emergency, natural disaster, major illness or injury, and other emergency physical and mental health care needs.