Spartan Lawyer Summer 2019

Since joining the Law College faculty full time in 1980, Professor Kathleen Payne made a difference to generations of Spartan lawyers. As both a compassionate counselor who was willing to work with students one-on-one during difficult times and a tough-love supporter who relentlessly pushed her students to do their best work, students have consistently admired Professor Payne over the course of her 39-year career at the Law College. Professor Payne leaves a permanent impression on the law school.
Dozens of her students shared memories and best wishes for Professor Payne, recognizing the impact she had on them as budding professionals and aspiring lawyers in her various courses, from Civil Procedure to Torts, even infusing the uniform commercial code with her signature enthusiasm.
Professor Payne has been a valued educator, mentor, colleague, and friend.

Wow, how time flies. You were a great professor and someone with whom we could talk when we had a question. You started my 1st year at DCL. All the best.
Congratulations on your retirement. It was an honor to be a student and learn from the best. Thanks for the consistent encouragement and the occasional kick in the behind. I wish you all the best for your future.
Outstanding Dedicated Professor! Thank you Professor Payne for your passion, dedication and commitment to your students and the legal profession. Well done and thank you.
Love Prof Payne! One of my very favorites. Your UCC class was the best! Congrats!
I’ll never forget from Torts changing ‘WorkMANS Comp’ to WorkERS Comp. It’s like Pavlov’s dogs, I just instantly think, women work too. Thanks Professor Payne!
By far one of the best professors! Congratulations.
Congratulations to one of my favorite professors! I was so honored and thrilled to be your teaching assistant (Secured Transactions) for a semester!
Congratulations, Professor Payne! Thank you for sharing your strength and wisdom through your teaching. I distinctly remember a story you told about what it was like to be a female professor in the early days of your career – so inspiring to me and I’m sure to many women in law.
From our first discussion at orientation (where she calmed my fears of balancing law school and a small child), to the guidance and mentoring she provided during office hours, she was always so supportive. One time I had to miss class when my son was sick and missed a very complicated class – she basically re-taught me the entire class during office hours! I honestly felt that she believed in me and that encouraged me to give law school 100%. Her dedication and kindness are unparalleled.
She was one of my favorite professors and my sponsor at my swearing in ceremony! Congratulations to her!
I've got to say my absolute favorite Professor Payne moment was from my 1L year in torts when Antonio J. Cifuentes asked a question somehow pertaining to age of consent (it was relevant at the time, memory is fuzzy) and Professor Payne's comment back to him was "date women your own age!" It was so unexpected – the entire class of 90 of us absolutely died laughing. Happy retirement, Professor Payne! Best wishes!